Atarim Changelog

Find out what's new inside Atarim, what bugs we've squashed and highlighted features you should check out!

All Announcements

Version 4.0.1 is LIVE - Refactoring and Bug Fixes 🟢

We're thrilled to roll out version 4.1.0, packed with essential updates! This release focuses on extensive refactoring, boosting the platform's performance and stability. We’ve also squashed several pesky bugs, ensuring a more seamless and reliable user experience.


Improvements 🟠

  • Security update: We have changed the way tokens are being stored in your browser for increased security across the app.


  • Bottom bar in site collaboration: We have refactored the rendering of the nav bar button in the bottom bar as it was causing some problems when viewing projects and not being logged in.


  • Search inside inbox: The search inside the inbox was not as reliable as we wanted it to be, this has been refactored and improved, we are continuing to improve search by implementing elastic search and a few other functions.


  • Refactored nav bar: We have refactored the entire nav to make it run smoother, and more efficiently in its own component.


  • Authentication process: We have optimised the way in which we are authenticating accounts when logged in, removing pointless calls to a user token and making everything run a tad faster.


  • Improved token validation: The validation for the token inside the Chrome extension has been improved, making connecting way more efficient and reliable.


  • Login/registration flow: We have refactored the way users register and login to improve the flow and make it run way faster and reliably.


  • General styling: We have improved the general styling across the app for buttons and fields by replacing a library and implementing tail wind.


  • Login screen: We've rediesgned the login screen to make it look better and fit more in line with the app.


Bug Fixes 🔴

  • Tasks inside Boards: When dragging tasks between columns on boards, it would sometimes make tasks disappear and would need a refresh to show up again, this is now fixed.


  • Changing password: Some users were experiencing an issue with changing their password on their user profile, this is now fixed.


  • Window crashing: There was an issue that was causing the app to crash when reducing window size on your browser, this has been fixed.


  • Share button disabled: There was an issue where the share button was being disabled incorrectly, this has been fixed.


  • Workspaces: There were a few small bugs around the app being caused by workspace ID identifiers, this has been fixed.
