Atarim Changelog

Find out what's new inside Atarim, what bugs we've squashed and highlighted features you should check out!

  1. Version 4.0.3 is LIVE - Small Hotfixes🔥


    Our second small release this week to fix some bugs and smooth out some workflows.


    Bugs 🔴

    • Wrong link in email: When inviting collaborators, sometimes the link inside the invite was throwing a 500 error when visiting the page, this is now fixed.


    • Manual time entries: While adding time entries manually from the time entries screen, it was showing lists of tasks for the projects but it was empty when the email inbox was selected. This is now fixed.


    • Design upload: The dropzone on the bottom of the designs sidebar on graphics was not showing, this is now fixed.


    • Designs in image collaboration: The task count for designs was not updating correctly in the left sidebar on image collaboration, this is now fixed.


    • Task creation on new projects: When new projects were being added through one click collaboration, leaving tasks was not showing correctly on the front-end. This is now fixed.


    • Redirect from Chrome Extension: When activating the Chrome extension, sometimes there was an issue with the redirect, this is now fixed.


  2. Version 4.0.2 is LIVE - Cleaning up bugs 🐜🔨


    We’re excited to announce a new update today, featuring several bug fixes to improve your experience. Moving forward, we will release updates on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to swiftly address any issues and ensure the platform runs smoothly.


    Our goal is to continually enhance your workflow and provide you with the best possible experience. Stay tuned for more improvements and updates!


    Bug Fixes 🟠

    • Missing emails in CC: There was an issue where emails that were CC'd and being received in the Atarim inbox were not being included, this has been fixed.


    • Name in invite: When inviting users, the email sometimes was not showing the correct name, this has been fixed


    • Deleting projects: There was a problem with deleting projects that were created from a certain date, this has been fixed.


    • User avatar: Inside notifications the wrong user avatar was showing for some notifications, this has been fixed


    • Error when sending emails: When sending emails sometimes a 500 error would cause the email to fail, this has been fixed.


    • Teamwork integration: There was a problem with tasks not being pushed to Teamwork, this has been fixed.


    • Time entries: When team members were creating time entries, they were displaying for other users, this has been fixed.


    • Notifications: Due to a change in how we authenticate your login, the notifications sidebar was causing a loop, this has been fixed.


    • Set password email: Collaborators who received an email to set their password were experiencing problems with the link provided, this has been fixed.


  3. Version 4.0.1 is LIVE - Refactoring and Bug Fixes 🟢

    We're thrilled to roll out version 4.1.0, packed with essential updates! This release focuses on extensive refactoring, boosting the platform's performance and stability. We’ve also squashed several pesky bugs, ensuring a more seamless and reliable user experience.


    Improvements 🟠

    • Security update: We have changed the way tokens are being stored in your browser for increased security across the app.


    • Bottom bar in site collaboration: We have refactored the rendering of the nav bar button in the bottom bar as it was causing some problems when viewing projects and not being logged in.


    • Search inside inbox: The search inside the inbox was not as reliable as we wanted it to be, this has been refactored and improved, we are continuing to improve search by implementing elastic search and a few other functions.


    • Refactored nav bar: We have refactored the entire nav to make it run smoother, and more efficiently in its own component.


    • Authentication process: We have optimised the way in which we are authenticating accounts when logged in, removing pointless calls to a user token and making everything run a tad faster.


    • Improved token validation: The validation for the token inside the Chrome extension has been improved, making connecting way more efficient and reliable.


    • Login/registration flow: We have refactored the way users register and login to improve the flow and make it run way faster and reliably.


    • General styling: We have improved the general styling across the app for buttons and fields by replacing a library and implementing tail wind.


    • Login screen: We've rediesgned the login screen to make it look better and fit more in line with the app.


    Bug Fixes 🔴

    • Tasks inside Boards: When dragging tasks between columns on boards, it would sometimes make tasks disappear and would need a refresh to show up again, this is now fixed.


    • Changing password: Some users were experiencing an issue with changing their password on their user profile, this is now fixed.


    • Window crashing: There was an issue that was causing the app to crash when reducing window size on your browser, this has been fixed.


    • Share button disabled: There was an issue where the share button was being disabled incorrectly, this has been fixed.


    • Workspaces: There were a few small bugs around the app being caused by workspace ID identifiers, this has been fixed.


  4. Version 4.0 is LIVE - Workspaces, 2FA, bug fixes and optimizations🤯⚡🚀

    New Feature


    Workspaces pop up (1)


    We have an absolute massive update for you today! We're proud to announce our version 4.0 release, which includes a huge upgrade and tons of bug fixes.


    Here's the entire list, for the big inclusions there are dedicated posts above this one you can check out.


    New 🟢


    • Chrome Extension Version 2: Enhance your team's collaboration by enabling users to leave precise visual feedback directly on live websites with our new Chrome Extension. Instead of viewing the website inside Atarim itself, simply click the extension and it'll display our interface on top of it, enabling collaboration within a few seconds on any website.


    • Workflows: Streamline your project management by automating task assignments, tracking progress, and ensuring timely completion with our new workflows feature. Customize workflows to fit your team's needs, integrate with existing tools, and improve overall efficiency.


    • Workspaces: You can now create additional workspaces on your Atarim account (only avaliable on the business plan). This empowers you to create completely seperate spaces for you to do your work, this includes: multiple inboxes, white label settings, integration settings, teams, workflows, canned responses and more.


    • Workspaces with Chrome Extension & WordPress Plugin: When activating the Chrome extension or the WordPress Plugin on a website, you now have the option to choose which workspace it's added in as a project, giving you ultimate control of where your work goes!


    • Two Factor Authentication: You now have the option to enable 2FA on your Atarim account for increased security, this is a simple code that is sent to the email that is on your account.


    • Force Two Factor Authentication: Inside settings, you can force 2FA for all team members that are on your account, making it super easy to ensure all of your data is secure regardless of who you've invited (and avoiding the annoying task of ensuring all of your team have it on).


    • Instant Task Creation: No waiting around anymore when creating tasks, as soon as you hit the button to create you're ready to create another instantly, significantly increasing your effiency (and your customers') when creating tasks on projects.


    • Start Collaborating 8x Faster: We have significantly upgraded the way we are scraping websites. Instead of relying on a third party service, we have developed a custom one which is running on a worker. Making it seperate to our infrastructure, increasing speed by up to 8 times.


    • New Designs: We've upgraded the collaboration experience design, as well as the projects screen, giving them better UI and a improvement in the user experience.


    • Permanently Delete Projects: You can now completely remove a project from your account as opposed to archiving only. This will remove the project and all tasks associated with it, ensuring you can clean up your account if needed.


    • Easy Drag-and-Drop File Uploads: You can now drag-and-drop files to upload them directly on tasks (inside all collaboration experiences) instead of having to use your local file system to select and upload files.


    • Bulk File Uploads on Tasks: Save time by uploading multiple files all at once instead of waiting around to attach files individually.


    • File As First Comment: Previously you could not upload a file and attach a comment, now you can! Which means you can also upload a file or annotated screenshot as the first comment of tasks when creating them.


    • Share From The Projects Screen: You can now share directly from the projects screen by hovering over a card and clicking on the third icon.


    Bug Fixes 🟠


    • Filters Inside Inbox: There was an issue where filtering the email inbox on the inbox screen was not listing tasks/emails correctly, this is now fixed.


    • Styling issues: We've fixed around 30-40 styling issues that we found during sweeps for 4.0, this is something we will continue to improve and work on in proceeding releases.


    • Unread Filter: Sorting by unread in the filter inside collaboration (inside the Atarim App) was not filtering correctly, this is now fixed.


    • Deleting Pending Invites: Previously, deleting pending invites on the team management screen was not triggering correctly, this is now fixed.


    • Time Entries Not Displaying For New Users: New users were not seeing time entries that were being created, this is now fixed.


    • Project Stage Email Link: Inside a notification for project stages, there was a link that was missing a "/" causing issues, this is now fixed.


    • Annotating Screenshot Responsiveness: When trying to annotate a screenshot on a smaller screens, it was causing issues with window sizes, this has been fixed and made fully responsive.


    • White Label Settings: White label settings were not showing correctly sometimes on collaboration inside the Chrome Extension, this is now fixed.


    • Bulk Action For Priority Change: When changing multiple tasks priority on the inbox or boards, it was causing an error, this is now fixed.


    • WordPress Plugin Security: We've made some security adjusts to the WordPress plugin to ensure it's 100% secure.


    • Canned Responses Deletion: If you deleted your final canned response, it would cause an issue, this has been fixed.


    • Responsive Mode Chrome Extension: Sometimes in mobile view the bottom bar would not be visible, this has been fixed.


    • Emails Breaking Styling: Emails that had a type of formatting were breaking the inbox when being viewed, this has been fixed.


  5. Version 4.0 New Feature: Workspaces 😎

    New Feature


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    If you look in the top right of your Atarim Dashboard, you'll see we've created a default workspace for you. This new feature empowers you to create completely seperate instances of your Atarim account.


    With each workspace, you'll be able to have different email inboxes, projects, white labelling, integrations, workflows, forms...everything! Designed from the ground up for people who are a part of & organizations that operate multiple: brands, departments, teams and clients.


    Also, this gets rid of the pesky need for all Atarim accounts to have unique emails, you can


     Checkout your workspace settings here >>  


  6. Version 4.0 Improvement: Start Collaborating 8x Faster ⌚




    We’ve shipped improvements across the board – taking the performance of your collaboration experience up more than just a notch. Try 8 notches.


    Our scraper is now a complete microservice and custom built, and we've made it fast! It's also using Cloudflare caching, and they have so much of the internet cached, this also gives us more speed.


  7. Version 4.0 New Feature: 2FA 🔒

    New Feature


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    You can now turn on 2FA for your Atarim account, enabling you to keep all of your data nice and secure. When you turn it on, we'll simply send a code to your email and once entered, you'll be good to go.


    You also have the option to force 2FA inside your Atarim settings. This will turn 2FA on for everyone that is part of your account, making it super easy to make all of your data secure.


  8. Version 4.0 New Feature: Workflows

    New Feature



    The new workflows screen enables you to create if something happens, make something else happen. This opens up so many different options and empowers you to have granular control over what happens when other things happen inside Atarim.


    For example, if you need tasks to be in a specific board on your Trello integration, I can say when tasks are created on my website, push that task to my board. You can even apply conditions on assignees, priority, status and more.




  9. Version 3.23 is LIVE - Dollie Integration, Smoother Registration, Bug Fixes and more! ⚡


    We've got some exciting new updates in version 3.23, most notably our new integration with Dollie! Dollie is an awesome WordPress hosting platform and with our new integration you'll be able to create new projects in Atarim with one click, see how many tasks have been made on each project AND see the tasks themselves inside your Dollie Dashboard.




    Here's the full list of what's included in this update:




    • Dollie integration: From your Dollie account you can now connect Atarim, which will enable some pretty cool stuff! You'll be able to create projects with one click from Dollie to Atarim, any tasks made on that project will be displayed inisde your Dollie dashboard. Making Dollie and Atarim the perfect combination to take care of the back-end side of things, and the front-end work you need to do.  You can find out more how to connect it inside Dollie here! 


    • Slack form submission: We have added the option to push form submission notifications to a Slack channel of your choice inside the Atarim Slack integration, sending you the first 3 questions answered in the form and a link to the form submission so you can view the rest.





    • Register modal for collaborates & guests: For team members, stakeholders and clients you are inviting to collaborate with you on projects, we've optimized the way they register by removing the need for a password. This is in an effort to get people collaborating with you as fast as possible.


    • Close register modal: Guests and collaborators now have the option to close the register modal too, if they'd like to still have a look around without signing up but accidentally get the modal by clicking, they can now close it.


    • Collaborating on projects inside Atarim: We refactored some code inside collaboration to make it a smoother experience, this is something we will continue to do every release going forward to ensure it's perfect.


    Bug Fixes


    • Filter disabled when selecting all projects: When selecting all projects on the inbox screen, filtering was being disabled, this has now been fixed.


    • Pages inside collaborate: When making pages inside collaborate, sometimes these pages would not display in the Chrome Extension, this has been fixed.


    • Comments made as guest: Comments being created by guest users inside Atarim, were not being displayed in the Chrome extension correctly, this has been fixed.


    • Plugin pages: On some websites, when the plugin was installed it would automatically add all of the pages that exist on that site to the Atarim sidebar, this is now fixed.


    • Error when loading boards or inbox: In some cases, trying to load the boards or inbox in the Atarim dashboard was causing a 500 error, this is now fixed.


    • Archived Wordpress Sites: If an archived WordPress website was set to active, it was causing issues on the plugin, this has now been fixed.


    Chrome Extension Bug Fixes


    • First task as annotated image: If the first task on a project was created using the Chrome Extension and it was an annotated image, it was returning an error, this has been fixed.


    • Deleting an invite: Deleting an invite from the share modal was returning an error, this has now been fixed.


    • Deleting pages: Deleting pages from the sidebar inside the Chrome Extension was not actually working, this has now been fixed. We've also added a confirm pop-up to ensure you don't delete pages by accident.








  10. Version 3.22 is LIVE - Improved UI, Instant Collaboration, Files as 1st Comment, Workflows and more! 🚀

    New Feature


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    We have an absolutely massive update for you with version 3.22.

    We've been working hard since the beginning of this year to elevate the experience of the platform, and with the new Chrome extension and UI updates, we definitely have done!


    Here's the full list of what's new in Atarim:




    • New Chrome Extension Update - With our new Chrome extension, 1 click will instantly load our interface on the current website you are viewing. This can be done on any website, app, platform, blog, ecommerce store, WordPress back-end...ANYWHERE you want, just by clicking one button. Also everything done in the Chrome Extension, is replicated on collaboration inside Atarim, meaning that your clients don't need to install the extension for you to collaborate with them. You can find our new Chrome Extension here.  


    • Collaborating On Logged-In Experiences - With the new version of the Chrome Extension, you can now leave tasks inside apps and websites where logins are required.   


    • New Nav - The nav has been overhauled, with the ability to extend and retract it whenever you'd like. We've added some animations to icons and made some nav items clearer with more defined names.


    • Collaboration UI - Inside all experiences of collaboration, we've updated the all parts of the UI. This includes the bottom bar, sidebar, pop-over, and much more. We've also made the bars floating, so when looking at your project it feels less constricted.


    • Bulk Uploads On Tasks - You now have the ability to upload more than one file on a task, and this includes all file types. Great for when you need to keep a bunch of files in one place on a project for quick access later on.


    • Drag & Drop Files On Pop-Over - We've also added the ability to drag and drop files from your device straight onto the pop-over, making it super easy and quick to upload files onto tasks.


    • File Uploads As First Comment - Previously, when you wanted to upload a file, you needed to create a comment first. Now, with every file upload, you have the option to add a comment with it, meaning you can also do it as the first comment too!


    • Pages - Inside the sidebar, you have the option to add the current page you're on (we also add pages automatically when you add your first task on a page). This makes it super easy to see how tasks are distributed across your project.


    • Workflows - Previously, workflows were on a modal inside the inbox screen. We've moved this to it's own page to give it the space it deserves. This allows you to setup automations, empowering you to have custom workflows to your favourite apps with our integrations!


    • Search - On the top of the sidebar inside collaboration, you can now search for tasks based on the task title and comments, making it easier for you to find what you're looking for.


    • Filters - You can now filter the sidebar task list to fit your workflow, by choosing to see all tasks across the website, only tasks assigned to you and more.





    • Projects Screen Design - We've updated the look and feel of the projects screen to make it more streamlined, highlighting the main functionality of the page, making it easier for you to do what you need to do!


    • Inbox Screen Design - We've optimized the inbox screen to make it more focused on the work you need to get done. Making the task feed wider, screenshot more visible and minimizing sections by default.


    • Notifications On Tasks - Inside the pop-over when creating tasks, the users tab will now show you who will be notified and who will not be notified, making it really clear who will get a notification about the task. We've also added this as a tooltip on hover for the send button.


    • Time Entry Pop-out - Previously, time entries were only visible on the inbox and boards with a small modal in the bottom left of your screen. This is now displayed inside the nav when you hover over the time entries label, making it easy for you to pause a log timers where ever you are in side the app.

