Atarim Changelog

Find out what's new inside Atarim, what bugs we've squashed and highlighted features you should check out!

All Announcements

Version 3.23 is LIVE - Dollie Integration, Smoother Registration, Bug Fixes and more! ⚡


We've got some exciting new updates in version 3.23, most notably our new integration with Dollie! Dollie is an awesome WordPress hosting platform and with our new integration you'll be able to create new projects in Atarim with one click, see how many tasks have been made on each project AND see the tasks themselves inside your Dollie Dashboard.




Here's the full list of what's included in this update:




  • Dollie integration: From your Dollie account you can now connect Atarim, which will enable some pretty cool stuff! You'll be able to create projects with one click from Dollie to Atarim, any tasks made on that project will be displayed inisde your Dollie dashboard. Making Dollie and Atarim the perfect combination to take care of the back-end side of things, and the front-end work you need to do.  You can find out more how to connect it inside Dollie here! 


  • Slack form submission: We have added the option to push form submission notifications to a Slack channel of your choice inside the Atarim Slack integration, sending you the first 3 questions answered in the form and a link to the form submission so you can view the rest.





  • Register modal for collaborates & guests: For team members, stakeholders and clients you are inviting to collaborate with you on projects, we've optimized the way they register by removing the need for a password. This is in an effort to get people collaborating with you as fast as possible.


  • Close register modal: Guests and collaborators now have the option to close the register modal too, if they'd like to still have a look around without signing up but accidentally get the modal by clicking, they can now close it.


  • Collaborating on projects inside Atarim: We refactored some code inside collaboration to make it a smoother experience, this is something we will continue to do every release going forward to ensure it's perfect.


Bug Fixes


  • Filter disabled when selecting all projects: When selecting all projects on the inbox screen, filtering was being disabled, this has now been fixed.


  • Pages inside collaborate: When making pages inside collaborate, sometimes these pages would not display in the Chrome Extension, this has been fixed.


  • Comments made as guest: Comments being created by guest users inside Atarim, were not being displayed in the Chrome extension correctly, this has been fixed.


  • Plugin pages: On some websites, when the plugin was installed it would automatically add all of the pages that exist on that site to the Atarim sidebar, this is now fixed.


  • Error when loading boards or inbox: In some cases, trying to load the boards or inbox in the Atarim dashboard was causing a 500 error, this is now fixed.


  • Archived Wordpress Sites: If an archived WordPress website was set to active, it was causing issues on the plugin, this has now been fixed.


Chrome Extension Bug Fixes


  • First task as annotated image: If the first task on a project was created using the Chrome Extension and it was an annotated image, it was returning an error, this has been fixed.


  • Deleting an invite: Deleting an invite from the share modal was returning an error, this has now been fixed.


  • Deleting pages: Deleting pages from the sidebar inside the Chrome Extension was not actually working, this has now been fixed. We've also added a confirm pop-up to ensure you don't delete pages by accident.






