Atarim Changelog

Find out what's new inside Atarim, what bugs we've squashed and highlighted features you should check out!

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Version 3.15 is LIVE - Adding websites optimizations and some small bug fixes 🌐


We've got another increase in the speed while performing one of the most important actions on the Atarim Dashboard: adding websites. And some small bug fixes too.


Here's the full list:


Optimizations On The Atarim Dashboard

  • Adding Websites - Previously, when adding a website, we would scrape the name and thumbnail of the website before scraping the website itself, this would cause a slight delay in getting you into the website. This is now changed, we scrape the website and get the name and thumbnail at the same time, meaning you can start collaborating even faster!


  • Passwords - We have now added some much needed validation on new passwords, to include at least 8 characters, a number, a captial letter and at least one special character.


Bug Fixes On The Atarim Dashboard

  • HTML showing in comments - Sometimes HTML would show inside comments in the dashboard (for example <p> tags). This has been fixed.


  • Wrong author name - When a user was assigned to a task, sometimes the wrong author name would show, this has now been fixed.


  • Generating Screenshot Text - When grabbing the auto-screenshots from our database, it would say "Generating Screenshot", which was confusing as it had already been generated. It now says "Loading Screenshot" to ensure it makes sense what's happening.


  • Site loading issue - In some cases, pages inside collaborate were not loading due to page paths not being what the site expects. This is now fixed.
