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Version 3.13 is LIVE - Integration and bug fixes! ⚙️


As we wind down for the year (but secretly working our butts off in the background), here is a new update with some bug fixes.


We are currently in full on focused mode, developing phase two of the Chrome Extension, which we cannot wait to show you. Here's the list for this release:


New On The Atarim Dashboard

  • User role selection on collaboration invite - You now have the option to choose the user role of the person you're inviting inside a collaboration project.


Bug Fixes On The Atarim Dashboard

  • Slack Connections - We had some issues with our Slack integration over the passed week, this has now been fixed and you should be able to connect and continue using it!


  • Monday Connections - There was an issue with connecting Monday accounts too, this has been fixed.


  • File upload extensions - When some file formats were uploaded, the extension would break because the date of upload was being added, this is now fixed.


  • Quotation marks in comments - When adding quotation marks inside comments, it would sometimes cause issues in the pop-over, this has now been fixed.


  • Tasks after merging websites - When merging a website, the tasks that were copied over were not opening inside collaborate, this is now fixed.


Bug Fixes On The WordPress Plugin


  • XSS vulnerability – A Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability was identified in a previous version of our plugin, this is now fixed.


  • Js conflict with ACF – Date selection on the date field was not working due to js conflict, this is now fixed.


  • User Avatar – Due to the changes on the Gravatar API data response, comment author images were not loading, this is now fixed.