Atarim Changelog

Find out what's new inside Atarim, what bugs we've squashed and highlighted features you should check out!

All Announcements

Version 3.12 is LIVE - Chrome Extension, Bug Fixes And Optimizations 🚀


More bug fixes coming at you for this release, along with a very exciting new addition to your toolbox: An Atarim Chrome Extension. 

 You can find our more about how the Chrome extension works here >>  


New On The Atarim Dashboard

  • The Atarim Chrome Extension - You can now install the Atarim Chrome extension and connect it to your account. This will give you a few options when viewing websites inside Chrome, including: adding a website to your account with one click, adding graphics based on your view or a full page screenshot.


Bug Fixes On The Atarim Dashboard

  • Comments on collaborate - On some websites, comments were not saving, this has now been fixed.


  • Removing collaborator projects - Removing projects that you were added as a collaborator was not working correctly, this has now been fixed.~


  • Assigning users showing in task list - When assigning users to tasks, they were not showing inside the task lists of the inbox and boards, this has now been fixed.


  • Bulk updating tasks in inbox and boards - Bulk updating tasks was causing an error in some cases, this has now been fixed.


  • Activity links in manage users - When clicking on an activity inside a users' profile, it was not taking you to it, this has now been fixed.


  • Creating tasks on mobile/tablet - In some cases, tasks were being hidden and cutoff when creating tasks on mobile and tablet, this has now been fixed.


  • Push to media - Pushing images to the WordPress media folder was not working as expected, this has now been fixed.


  • Emails breaking - Some emails were displaying incorrectly inside the inbox, this has been fixed.


Bug Fixes On The WordPress Plugin


  • Comment overflow – On certain themes, there was a problem with comment box overflow which cut off the comment, this is now fixed.


  • CSS conflict with Springfield theme – Springfield theme CSS was overriding Comment box CSS, this is now fixed.

  • Default permission for users – We have modified the default permission for users when the user type is not selected.
